GSO Test

School menus and food for life

St Paul’s has maintained Healthy School Status and we encourage children to lead a healthy lifestyle. We have also been awarded the Silver Award for Food for Life.

We are delighted to be part of the Fruit for School Scheme for Reception and Key Stage 1. We have fresh fruit delivered to the school throughout the week which the children eat at playtime. Children may bring in fresh fruit, vegetables or a bread based snack to keep them going through the morning. NO NUTS, as we have children with severe nut allergies.

Our school meals are provided by Caterlink and are cooked daily by our
school chef. School dinner menus are changed weekly. A copy of the school
menu is displayed on the notice boards and in the school hall. Please see link below for this Term's menu:

Spring Summer 2024 Menu

The children are encouraged to select a balanced meal from the menu.

Every pupil in Reception - Year 2 are eligible for Universal Free School Meals. All children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 can get free school meals for the 2023-2024 school year only regardless of benefits or household earnings. Funding for this is provided by the Mayor of London and it covers schools in London only.

If you would like your child to have school lunches, we ask you to commit to half a term at a time. If your child is moving from school dinners to packed lunch or vice versa please give the office two weeks notice.

Registering for School meals

We ask that ALL PARENTS fill in the school meals registration form. This is important so that we can continue to register pupils who attract pupil premium, which is worth £1,300 a year per pupil for our school. 

If you are receiving either of the following you are entitled to apply for
free school meals for your child:

  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers Allowance

Please speak to the school office, or contact Camden directly. Your application will be treated confidentially.

If you have any questions, please contact Jenna Shanly.

Healthy Packed Lunch Policy

We have a healthy lunch policy and do not allow sweets, nuts, chocolate
or fizzy drinks. We suggest a sandwich, yoghurt and a piece of fruit.
Children should bring water to drink. Please ensure that your child’s
lunchbox is clearly labelled with their name. 

For ideas for packed lunches look at the Parent's lunchbox leaflet


Free School Meals / Pupil Premium

School dinners are now FREE for all primary school age children for the 2023-2024 school year.

However we ask that all families apply for free school meals/pupil premium as the school receives significant funding for each of these pupils that is then used to enhance provision.

A website is now available where parents/carer can quickly and easily check eligibility for free school meals and, if eligible, also gain some additional funding for St Paul's, known as 'Pupil Premium'. These funds enable schools to take on additional staff and invest in additional equipment, resources and activities to benefit all children.

Please click on the link below to see if your child is eligible for Free School Meals

What the service does for parents:

After entering essential details into the website, the online application process links to the Department for Education system for checking eligibility and gives an immediate 'yes' or 'no' response, and will notify the school.

This system is being provided to encourage parents to apply and take advantage of free school meals while at the same time increasing the benefits to schools from Pupil Premium funding, a substantial amount of which does not reach schools because not all parents who are eligible apply for free meals for their child.