GSO Test

School day and bad weather policy

  • The school gates open at 8.45am and it is from this time that a member of staff is on duty in the play ground. Children arriving at school before this must be accompanied by an adult or attend the school breakfast club.
  • Parents of reception age children are asked to stay with their child until the bell rings at 8.55am
  • Children may arrive and leave school independently, with written permission from their parents or carers
  • The Headteacher and Deputy Head are usually available at this time of day should you wish to speak to either of them
  • The bell rings at 8.55am and the registers are taken in class at 9.00am promptly
  • Morning break for the school is:

                      10.25 - 10.45am Lower school (YR, Y1 & Y2)

                      10.25 - 10.45am Upper school (Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6)

  • There is a wide variety of play equipment for the children, there are three members of staff on duty to promote team games, relationship guidance and first aid treatment if needed.
  • Lunch is served in two sittings:

                      12.15 - 12.45pm Lower school (YR, Y1 & Y2)

                      12.50 – 1.20pm Upper school (Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6)

  • An Act Collective of Worship or assembly takes place every day, either in the school hall or at St Mary’s Church. Times vary for each day and some days are organised for the whole school, phase groups or classes.
  • At the end of the school day the school gates are opened at 3.20pm. Those picking up children collect them from the class teacher in the playground.
  • If you cannot pick up your child we ask you to ensure that we know the person who will be collecting them. If we have not been informed of the person collecting, we will keep the child with us until we are absolutely sure of the arrangements.
  • No child may be collected by another child or sibling under the age of 16 years.
  • We ask that the playground is vacated by 3.45pm at the very latest so that After School Clubs can commence and staff can attend meetings knowing that each child is safely with an adult.

School Closure

If the school is closed due to bad weather, parents will be informed by the school texting service and on the school website.