Home work (dates and expectations) How to help your child
We aim to foster a positive attitude towards homework and help set good habits. We ensure that homework is of interest to the children and matched to their ability. Our school policy on homework is based on the principle that the learning process does not begin and end at school. We believe that children are learning constantly from a variety of adults and experiences. We ask that parents support their child with any homework given.
Homework routines begin in Reception with the expectation that children read at home every night. From Year 1 onwards, children are also given weekly maths and literacy activities. We set the homework on a Thursday, expecting it to be handed in on the following Tuesday, thus giving time for children to complete their homework while allowing time for family activities during the weekend, and also if a child is unsure they have opportunities to ask their class teacher before the hand in date.
Teachers in the KS1 send home weekly bulletins which give a precis of the learning taking place so that parents can discuss this with their child.
Please see below some helpful homework links:
nRich maths: http://nrich.maths.org/ - Has lots of interesting and challenging maths problems from Early Years to A-level standard.